Short-Term Mission
Come join us on a mission and discover how you can actively participate in the work of making disciples through serving alongside our global partnerships.

Spring - 2025
Dates/Duration: March 10-14
What: Construction and relational ministry
Who: Open to all ages and experience levels
Estimated Cost: $425 per adult, $350 per teenager and $250 per child; covers food, lodging and airfare
Registration: September, 2024 – December, 2024
Passports: Required
Deadline: DECEMBER 18TH
Join us as we take a team to Tijuana, Mexico to serve with our strategic mission partners, Pastors Daniel and Tury Nunez! This trip will consist of construction as we work together to build homes for families in need, relational ministry, and VBS for the local kids! No previous experience is necessary and this trip is open to those of all ages!
Dates/Duration: MAY 3RD | Saturday, May 3 We will meet at the Mesa campus at 730 a.m.; Eat breakfast before you come. We will be back to the Mesa campus at 9 p.m.
What: We’ll be doing service projects on the reservation in partnership with Arizona Reservation Ministries. There will also be relational ministry opportunities, particularly with kids. Dress to be outside all day. Please bring a pair of work gloves and a water bottle.
Who: Open to kids ages 10 and older; All adults welcome.
Estimated Cost: $40 per adult, $30 per teenager and child
Registration: The registration deadline is Sunday, April 13. Please note there is a limit to the number of people we can take so if that number is reached before the deadline we will start a waiting list.
Passports: Not Required
Summer - 2025
Dates: July 18-26
Who: Adults – Construction
What: This trip is for people with construction skills only. It will be a work trip!
Estimated Cost: $2,500; includes food, airfare, and lodging
Must have passport.
Fall - 2025
Dates: September 19-25, 2025
Who: Adults
What: Relational ministry and evangelism
Estimated Cost: $2,500; includes food, airfare, and lodging
Must have passport.
Spring 2026
Dates/Duration: March 16 – 20, 2026
What: Construction and relational ministry
Who: Open to all ages and experience levels
Estimated Cost: $425 per adult, $350 per teenager and $250 per child; includes food & lodging
Registration: September, 2024 – December, 2024
Passports: Required
Join us as we take a team to Tijuana, Mexico to serve with our strategic mission partners, Pastors Daniel and Tury Nunez! This trip will consist of construction as we work together to build homes for families in need, relational ministry, and VBS for the local kids! No previous experience is necessary and this trip is open to those of all ages!
Dates/Duration: May 2026
What: We’ll head to Los Angeles to serve those trying to recover from trafficking, addiction, homelessness, etc. This will be a trip of service projects and relational ministry.
Who: Must be 16 years or older
Estimated Cost: $425 per person
Passports: No passport required
Fall 2026
Dates/Duration: September 2026
What: We’ll be doing service projects on the reservation in partnership with Arizona Reservation Ministries. There will also be relational ministry opportunities, particularly with kids.
Who: Kids have to be at least 10 years old to go on this trip. Open to all experience levels.
Estimated Cost: $60 per adult, $40 per teenager or child
Passports: Not Required
For any additional information or questions, please contact Erika at erikapfaff@onelifeaz.church or Julie Spier at juliespier@onelifeaz.church!